The Taliban captured Kandahar and Herat which are the 2nd and 3rd largest cities in Afghanistan yesterday, leading to shockwaves across the country and around the world.
These is the largest victories for the terrorist organization that has now taken over 2/3 of the volatile country. Reports say that the streets of the two cities was mostly barren as people had either barred themselves in the home or fled the area out of fear. 

Legislative conflict is beginning to heat up on Capitol Hill as the bipartisan $1 trillion infrastructure bill passed in the Senate and is now waiting in the House of Representatives. Both Republicans and Democrats in the House are eager to debate and pass this initial infrastructure bill but for now their desires are being foiled. House Leader, Nancy Pelosi reiterated that she will hold the infrastructure bill hostage and will not bring it to the House floor for a vote until the $3.5 trillion budget bill is also given to the House to vote on. The political goal is to put pressure on more centrist Democrats who have voiced a concern over the price tag of the bill.

The CDC has reported four cases and two deaths related to a bacteria spread through water and soil typically found in South Asia and Australia. This bacteria has never migrated to America before as it was previously thought to only be able to survive in tropical climates. As none of the four patients had traveled outside of the country, it is suspected that the bacteria spread from contact with a contaminated product. The CDC has alerted doctors to be on the lookout for additional cases.