The US Department of Justice has sued the Governor of Texas, Greg Abbott, over a new executive order Abbott issued forbidding anyone except law enforcement officials from transporting illegal immigrants from the southern border in Texas. The executive order also authorizes law enforcement officers in Texas to pull over vehicles suspected of transporting illegal immigrants.

The Senate is in the midst of a rare weekend session in order to finalize the drafting of the $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill. FISM News previously reported on the senate vote for this bill when it was sent to the Senate floor to be debated and finalized. Lawmakers reported that the bill was still not finalized on Saturday but that they expect a final version to be submitted on Sunday.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis issued an executive order on Friday mandating that masks remain optional in schools throughout Florida. In doing so DeSantis overruled a re-newed requirement for masks in schools imposed by two Florida counties, Broward and Gadsen. DeSantis’s order comes in the midst of a resurgence of COVID-19 by way of the Delta variant throughout the US.

On July 28th an 8.2 magnitude earthquake rocked Alaska near the Aleutian Islands. This is the most significant earthquake in the US since 1965 when an 8.7 magnitude earthquake occurred in the same area. Thankfully there was hardly any damage reported thus far, as the earthquake’s epicenter was very deep, occurring 20 miles underground, and the area impacted is sparsely populated.