Seth Udinski, FISM News
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Last week, the American Christian college ministry InterVarsity released a poll on the social issues that are most important to its members. The ministry is one of the largest of its kind in the United States, with over 1,100 campus groups on over 700 college campuses. 316 InterVarsity members from roughly 127 various institutions were polled during the months of May and June of 2021. The most important issues, according to the poll, were revealing about the current heart attitudes of young college-age Christians.
According to the poll, racial justice topped the list as the most important social issue at 38.6%. Climate change came in second at 29.11%, and foster/adoption/orphan care came in third at 28.16%. The issue of reducing abortion did not make the top three, but came in at 26.3% behind foster/adoption/orphan care. Immediately following that was religious freedom, at 25.6%.
This poll speaks volumes about the pulse of American Protestantism today. For better or worse, racial justice seems to be the issue at the forefront for youth in the American church. Undoubtedly, racial justice is a just cause. However, it is disturbing that racial harmony, and climate change of all things, appear to be more important for young Christians than abortion, which, unlike racial justice and climate change, is always a life-or-death issue. Additionally, these other issues rank higher than religious freedom, which, if lost, would be catastrophic for the American church.
This poll also gives a glimpse into the possible future of American Christianity. We must pray fervently that this next generation of believers will not forsake the true teaching of the Bible but will defend it, no matter the societal popularities of the day.