The NFL has mandated that all Tier 1 staff for professional football teams be vaccinated or provide a legitimate exemption to receiving the vaccine. The players themselves are not classified as Tier 1 staff but coaches, front-office executives, equipment managers, and scouts are all considered to be Tier 1 staff. Thus far two coaches have lost their jobs due to the new rules, the first is Rick Dennison the assistant head coach for the Minnesota Vikings and the second is the New England Patriot’s co-offensive line coach, Cole Popovich.

The long awaited 2020 Summer Olympics have finally begun in Tokyo, Japan. US athletes are expected to perform extremely well in many events. However, the US team failed to earn any medals whether gold, silver, or bronze, on the first day of competition. This result is the first time since the 1972 Summer Olympics that the US has failed to achieve any medals on the first day of events.