According to preliminary data released from the CDC, deaths attributed to drug overdoses soared in the United States in the year 2020. The likely reasons for the increase include the pandemic lockdowns and dealers lacing “more drugs with a powerful synthetic opioid” according to Reuters.
Psychokinetic powers may no longer be reserved to super hero comics. UC San Francisco (UCSF) neurosurgeon, Edward Chang, has led a team of researchers for over a decade in an attempt to develop a technology whereby paralyzed people may be able to speak simply by thinking. Their efforts have turned out to be successful as they were able to develop a process whereby a computer system based on complex artificial intelligence and mapping of the human brain was able to assist a man completely paralyzed in speaking simply by thinking of the words he wished to use.
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In recent years, Iranian intelligence officers have tricked a number of overseas activists to travel to destinations where they were kidnapped and sent back to Iran.
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Roughly 50 million users are using the hashtag “#deconstruction” to share their beliefs on controversial topics in the Bible, such as hell and homosexuality. As one can imagine, the results profane the Word of God and the name of Jesus Christ.
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During a press conference with Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel, President Joe Biden called out the Cuban regime’s communist ideology.
If you were hoping to travel out of the country following the lifting of COVID-19 travel restrictions you will be in for a long wait if you do not have a up-to-date passport. This is because the US State Department has revealed that they have an astronomical backlog of initial passport requests and passport renewals. As a result the State Department has told potential travelers that it will likely be a matter of months before they are able to receive a new or renewed passport.
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In 2021 the NFL will now include the song “Life Every Voice and Sing,” often referred to as the “Black National Anthem,” to be played before all major NFL events, including opening night, draft night, and the Super Bowl.
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Parents across the country should keep an eye on their bank accounts as the first payment in the expanded child tax credit is scheduled to go out on Thursday. This tax credit payment was a part of the COVID-19 relief bill that was passed shortly after President Biden took office. It is designed to assist families with children by providing a small monthly stipend calculated based on the number of children a couple has as well as their combined annual income.
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