It is a dark world indeed, when it becomes newsworthy that a historically faithful church continues in that trend of faithfulness.  Still, continual faithfulness is always worth celebrating. At last week’s General Assembly meeting, the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) soundly approved the passage of Overture 23, which reaffirms the prohibition of homosexuals from serving as pastors or elders (1,438-417).

The NFL has historically owned the market on professional football in America.  In the early 1980s, another league was formed that originally appeared to be a challenger to the NFL.  The United States Football League (USFL) was created in 1983 to offer football fans the chance to watch their favorite sport in the spring and summer, when the NFL was in its offseason.

[elfsight_social_share_buttons id=”1″] Between 800 and 1,500 businesses around the world have been affected by a ransomware attack centered on U.S. information technology firm Kaseya, its chief executive said on Monday. Fred Voccola, the Florida-based company’s CEO, said in an interview that it was hard to estimate the precise impact of Friday’s attack because those hit […]