Ian Patrick, FISM News
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Technology continues to make great strides in the area of health as evidenced by a break-through product that has the potential to be lifechanging for those who have lost their vision.
Pixium Vision SA, a bioelectronics company, was awarded the HealthTech Award in 2020 for its “innovative bionic vision system” under the Best Product/Deal Category. The vision system is designed to assist people who have lost their sight, so that they may “live more independent lives.”
According to a press release:
The Prima System, a photovoltaic substitute of photoreceptors providing simultaneous use of the central prosthetic and peripheral natural vision in atrophic dry age-related macular degeneration (AMD), is being studied in the pivotal PRIMAvera trial.
Lloyd Diamond, the CEO of Pixium Vision commented that the system “has demonstrated its potential to make a significant improvement to the quality of life of patients with dry AMD and this award recognizes its capacity to improve vision.”
Pixium Vision received the HealthTech Award 2020 in the category Best Product / Deal for its bionic vision Prima System.
The award is organized by the @NOBEL_Project and hosted by the @medtecheurope Forum.https://t.co/ng9tFiNEyf #prima #bionic #AMD #vision #healthtechaward pic.twitter.com/c01eJvDt94— Pixium-Vision (@PixiumVision) April 21, 2021
Data from a French study gave positive results, showing that patients with AMD “had a significant improvement in vision when using the Prima System.” It also proved that the system worked with patients’ already existing vision, meaning there was no need to replace the eye at all. Rather, the “prosthetic central vision generated with the Prima System” was used in conjunction with their “remaining peripheral vision.”
The press release states that the tech could soon be released for “market approval.”
The study was initiated in Q4 2020 and aims to confirm the safety and the benefits provided by the Prima System and is the last clinical step before seeking market approval in Europe.