Seth Udinski, FISM News [elfsight_social_share_buttons id=”1″] A new lawsuit regarding religious freedom could have crucial ramifications for the future of Christians and Christian organizations in America.  An alliance of 33 university students who identify as LGBTQ and a handful of professional adults known as the Religious Exemption Accountability Project (REAP) filed a class-action lawsuit last […]

Samuel Case, FISM News [elfsight_social_share_buttons id=”1″] On Monday, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell told corporate America that they had better steer clear of partisan political fights or suffer the consequences. McConnell said in a news conference, “My advice to the corporate CEOs of America is to stay out of politics. Don’t pick sides in these […]

Seth Udinski, FISM News [elfsight_social_share_buttons id=”1″] American evangelist Franklin Graham has won a lawsuit against the British city of Blackpool over the issue of religious liberty.  In 2018, the son of the legendary American pastor Billy Graham paid for advertising for his “Festival of Hope” conference in Lancashire on several public buses throughout Blackpool.  The […]